Winery address: 2 Unirii Street, Vînju Mare, Mehedinţi Co
Founded: 2001
Region: Plaiurile Drancei
AOC - Mehedinti, Vinju Mare
IG - Dealurile Olteniei
Area: 130 Ha/2019
Wine bottled annually: 350.000 L/2019
Owners: Gîrniță Ion, Popescu Augustin
Wine expert: Florian Stana
Wine labels: Prinţul Vlad, Domeniile Vinju Mare, Vinul Principelui, Lacrimă de Soare, Emissarius
Vine varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească Regală, Tămâioasă Românească, Chardonnay, Riesling Italian, Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Shyraz, Merlot
Short description:
Vie Vin Vinju Mare company was founded in 2001 when three Romanian investors, who always felt that this viticulture area is “the heart of red wines in Romania and beyond”, purchased 240 ha of old vineyards with a view to maintain and honor this natural richness, by obtaining high class wines and make them famous again. In order to preserve the good tradition of producing special wines both from Romanian and international varieties, the entire plantation was subject of the reconversion program between 2008 and 2013, with EU support.
The wines obtained from grapes carefully grown and selected in our own farms Orevita, Bucura and Nicolae Balcescu are sold through our own specialized stores and through well established distribution companies and retailers all over the country. This way, the traceability of the product is ensured throughout the food chain “from the vineyard to the glass”.
The winery where the wines are produced and preserved is located in Vinju Mare and it was upgraded with new stainless steel, automated equipment that enable grapes processing, producing and storage of wines, according to the international quality standards.
As confirmation of compliance with the international standards, our company has certified an integrated management system of quality, food safety and environment, according to the requirements of standards SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 22000:2019, SR EN ISO 14001: 2015.
Starting from 2019, our company is subject to a complete reorganization process, starting with the shareholding, vineyard management and ending with promotion and sales.
Due to the fact that the present dimension of the vineyard is 130ha, we will concentrate our efforts to obtain first class wines.
Contact person:
Mariana Girnita - Marketing Manager, +40 745 505 371;