Company name: Podgoria Huși S.A.
Winery address: Str. Călărași nr. 3, Huși, jud. Vaslui, România
Headquarter address: Str. Călărași nr. 3, Huși, jud. Vaslui, România
Founded: 1415
Region: Moldova
AOC: Huși
Area: 150 Ha
Annually bottled: 2 milion bottles Charmat Method and 200.000 bottles of Classic Method
Owner: Constantin Duluțe
Wine maker: Gabriel Stoica
Wine labels: Gama Extravaganza – Îndrăznește să Strălucești cu Pofta de Viață!
La Via Huși, am relansat tradiția vinului spumant cu Extravaganza—un vin pretențios și prețios, care devine un adevărat statement al non-conformismului nostru. Creatori de conținut, de frumos, de bucurie și de relații, ne adresăm celor care refuză să fie comuni și ușor de uitat.
Gama cuprinde două vinuri obținute prin metoda Charmat (aceeași folosită pentru Prosecco), Extravaganza Alb Extra Dry, obținut din struguri de Fetească Regală, și Extravaganza Rose Extra Dry, realizat din struguri de Busuioacă de Bohotin.
SGrape Varieties: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească Regală, Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir și Shiraz, Busuioacă de Bohotin
Short description:
The first wine-growing and wine-producing entity in Huși, known today as Via Huși, traces its origins back to the 15th century, with the first documentation dating to 1415. During the reign of Stephen the Great, the region gained fame for its wines, and in 1474, the vineyards of Huși were officially recorded in a hrisov, noting the ruler's donation to the Putna Monastery.
A landmark historical moment occurred in 1913, when Gheorghe Gheorghiu, the inaugural director of the Huși School of Viticulture, partnered with the Romano-German firm Mott to craft the first champagne from local wines.
Today, under the name Via Huși, the vineyard seamlessly blends tradition with innovation. Following an extensive modernization process, its historic cellars have been meticulously restored, and the winery has been outfitted with cutting-edge technology. Via Huși now produces a distinguished range of still and premium sparkling wines, crafted using both the classic and Charmat methods. The unique terroir of the region continues to ensure the exceptional quality and growing international recognition of Huși wines.
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