Company name: SC Vinex Murfatlar SRL
Winey address/headquarter: 1 Cochirleni Street, Cernavoda City, Constanta Co
Founded: 1993
Region: Dobrogea
AOC: Murfatlar
Area: 112 Ha
Annually bottled in litres: ~350.000 L
Owner: Iota Trantu
Wine expert: Iota Trantu, Ionut Radulescu
Wine labels: Elixir, Noblesse, Crama Trantu
Grape varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, Feteasca Regala, Traminer Roz, Feteasca Neagra, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot
Short description: With an experience in the wine industry that dates back to before the fall of the communism (1989), Iota Trantu began his journey as a winery owner and skilled winemaker in post-communist Romania from 1999, becoming the author of his own wines. His mission, to which he dedicates with patience and passion, is to create quality wines that reflect the character of the grapes and of the “terroir” from the Murfatlar vineyard. The permanent investments in technology, people and label ensure the premises for the development of premium products, the crowning of the continuous efforts of keeping and passing forward a 2000 years old local tradition.
Phone: +40 241 237 222