Banner Revino Evenimente 2025




Company name: Wild Yeast Winery


Winery address/ headquarter: 10 Garii street, Cogealac City, Contanta Co


Founded: 1991/2015


Anul plantației: 1977


Region: DN Constanța - Tulcea


AOC: Colinele Dobrogei


Owners: Vintruvian Estates & Paul Fulea


Area: 12 Ha


Annually bottled: 45.000 L


Labels: Ammos, DeHistria, Nikolas, Fleur Royale


Grape varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Chardonnay


Short description:

You contemplate a sunrise in the vineyard. Your senses are delighted with a show of light and colour generated by the rays which first bathe the sea and then come to rest on the cuttings loaded with grapes. They are perfectly aligned, embracing the sun heat which caresses them more than 300 days a year. Actually, this is where it all starts from – the breeze and the sun bestow rare flavors to the wines produced from the grapes harvested from this plantation. You can hear a hawk screaming and you can see a fox sneaking between the rows. A quail is hurrying to find shelter for its chicks. The nature is typical of the hilly landscape of Dobruja region in its entire splendor. This is in the vicinity of the sea, the Sea which longs for the walls of the Fortified City of Histria, which she used to bathe. A fragment of history. And among all these beauties there are the people. Warm-hearted, kind people, who still know how to talk to the vine, like they used to do it 2000 years ago, when they looked after The Vine of Ciurea. This magical bond is still undamaged. If you want to feel it, all you have to do is go there, have a stroll among the vine rows, hold out your hands, reach for and touch the leaves and the clusters with the tips of your fingers. You will hear the waves, feel the Sun smiling high in the sky and the wind will tell you the story of these places. This story dates back to the bygone days when the walls of the Fortified City of Histria were resounding with songs and joy, finely written poetry and magic liquors, all meant for the God Dionysus.


This story hasn’t started with us. It has started with a plot of land, with rays from the Sun and the waves of the Sea, with hands that have endured toil, good or bad weather, wind or rain. All we are doing today is continuing this hard work. We add page after page, grape after grape, drop after drop, Histria Winery – a new leaf in the Book of the Old stories.




Paul Radovan Fulea, Manager +40 723 237 870,


Phone: +40 746 472 244 (074MIRACHI)






IMG_4219 (2000x1465)

GPS Coordinates: 44.549513, 28.567422




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