Banner Revino Evenimente 2025




Company name: Ardis Office SRL


Winery address: 4 Aleea Viilor, Valea Calugareasca, Prahova County


Headquarter address: Valea Calugareasca, Prahova County


Founded: 2019


Region: Muntenia


AOC: Dealu Mare


Area: 4 Ha


Bottled annually: 40000 L


Owner: Ionita Bianca Ioana


Winemaker: Tudor Cristian


Wine labels: VIZIONAR – White Blend, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling de Rhin, Chardonnay, Rose


Grape varieties: Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc, Feteasca Neagra, Cabernet Sauvignon


Short description:


The domain is based in Valea Calugareasca - Nicovani, Prahova. It has 4 ha of vineyard and a new boutique winery, equipped with modern winemaking machinery and a production capacity of 100000 lt. Valea Nicovani dates back to the XVth century and has an ongoing tradition in vine cultivating and wine making.

 At the beginning of the XXth century, a series of very important people of the time had mansions here. Amongst them was Ion Bujoiu, political figure and former Minister of Economy in the interwar period. His family owned this domain until 1947 and after 1989 it is returned to their heirs, from whom, in 2013, is bought by Miss Bianca Ionita, who renames it after her mother, Aristita.




Tudor Cristian (winemaker), +40 721 499 784







domeniul aristitei




GPS Coordinates: 44.969870, 26.185436




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