Winery address: 59 Ceptura de Jos, Ceptura, Prahova Co.
Headquarters: 6 Arhitect Stefan Burcus Street, District 1, Bucuresti
Founded: 2003
Region: Ceptura, Prahova
AOC: Dealu Mare
Area: 87 Ha
Bottled annually (in litres): 350.000 L
Owners: Dan Balaban, Bogdan Costachescu
Wine expert: Bogdan Costachescu
Wine labels: VAST, Faurar, Iacob, Alba Valahica, Purpura Valahica, DAVINO, Flamboyant, Revelatio, Rezerva
Vine varieties: Feteasca Alba, Riesling Italian, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Feteasca Neagra
Short description:
DAVINO considers that wine is not drunk but lived. This is why, for almost 20 years together with the people that have always lived with and for the grape-vine, we found a way to obtain the essence, the DAVINO wine. We have 68 hectares in property, 18 hectares in land lease, maximum 200.000 DAVINO bottles annually, no more than 5.000 kg of grapes per hectare from grape-vines processed through growth control, green cutting and grape chasing. DAVINO mostly focuses on wine–blending that offers personality and nobility to a premium wine producer. At the same time, DAVINO produces two regular wines – Feteasca Alba and Feteasca Neagra – in order to show the world the exceptional value and originality of the Romanian viticulture.
As a recognition of the DAVINO values and because they are representative, all the pure vine varieties are used for writing scientific papers by the Viticulture and Vinification Chair within the University for Agronomic Sciences Bucharest and the Oenology Chair within the Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”.
Florin Preda - Manager - 0745.775.941
Wine tours - Irinel Macici - 0765.812.797