Company name: S.C. COTNARI S.A.
Winery address: Cotnari Vlg., Iasi County
Headquarters: 1 Castel Street, Cotnari Vlg., Iasi County
Founded: 1991
Region: Cotnari vineyard
Area: aprox. 1.400 Ha
Owner: “Vita de Vie” Cotnari Association
Wine expert: ing. Viorel Andronic
Wine labels:
Classic: Grasă de Cotnari, Tamâioasă Românească, Frâncuşă, Fetească Albă, Cătălina, Casa de piatră
Selections: Blanc, Chateau, Frâncuşă
Grape varieties: Grasă de Cotnari, Tămâioasă Românească, Fetească Albă, Francuşă
Short description:
Cotnari vineyard is part of the Moldova Plateau wine region and is one of the most famous vineyards in Romania.
Regarding the age of Cotnari vineyard, the first evidence of vine cultivation in this region is Cătălina hill, where over 2,000 years ago a Thraco-Getae fortress was founded. Evidence was discovered that this city's inhabitants were cultivating vines and producing wine.
Even if, as it is well known, King Burebista later ordered the clearing of vine plantations, the tradition continued and developed in these areas. (Wines represented "liquid gold" that attracted conquerors).
Other historical references about vineyards in Cotnari region can also be documented during Peter Aaron's reign, when the first written evidence about the Cotnari vineyards is found. During the reign of Stephen the Great, the vineyard reaches an unprecedented development, both by size of cultivated areas and the quality of wine. In the second part of the XVI century, Cotnari, with "over 3,500 puffs", was one of the most popular fairs in Moldova.
Also during this period, namely 1562, the first college in Moldova, Schola Latina, is established by Despot Voda.
Currently, the area of vines belonging to SC Cotnari SA measures approximately 1400 Ha. On this area, only aboriginal grape varieties are grown: Grasă de Cotnari, Fetească Albă, Tămâioasă Românească and Frâncuşă, in roughly equal proportions. Cotnari is the only vineyard where only local varieties are kept, after the phylloxera invasion during the 1890s.
Most plantations are young vines and were set up since 2006-2007.
The storage capacity of the winery is about 20 million l of wine. Also, Cotnari winery takes pride in an impressive collection of cellar wines, with a total of approximately 1,000,000 bottles, of which the oldest bottle of wine dates back in 1956.
Stefan Chiritescu
Phone: +40 724 323 161