Company: SC Mar SRL
Winery address: Dealul Olt Street, Dragasani City, Valcea Co.
Headquarter address: 16 Bis Traian Street, Dragasani City, Valcea Co.
Founded: 2003
Region: Dragasani - Oltenia
AOC Dragăsani, IG Dealurile Olteniei
Area: 45 Ha
Bottled annually in litres: 200 000 L
Owners: Mugur Isarescu, Ileana Isarescu, Costin Isarescu, Lacramioara Isarescu
Wine expert: Dr. Ing. Cristian Nicolaescu
Wine labels: Casa Isarescu
Grape varieties: Cramposie Selectionata, Feteasca Regala, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Tamaioasa Romaneasca, Merlot, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Negru de Dragasani
Short description: Our desire is to restore the people’s trust in the quality of Romanian wines, especially those from the famous Drăgășani vineyard, which has a history and a prestige difficult to match. We offer visits in the winery and in the vineyard, wine tastings and meals for minimum 15 people up to maximum 30 people.
Isarescu Winehouse Villa, located in the same perimeter as the winery, has 6 rooms and the Isarescu restaurant has a capacity of 30 people. For further details, go to
Contact: Costin Isarescu
Phone: +40 787 528 271