Cheese and wine events



The Romanian Wine Industry Outlook - 2021


Romania is a major European wine country and an important producer of world-class quality wines.


Place of Romania world-wide:


  • Area under vine (5th position in the EU) behind Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
  • Grape production (5th position in the EU) behind Italy, Spain, France and Germany.
  • Wine production (6th position in the EU), behind Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany.
  • Among the first 15 countries in the world with regard to area under vine and wine production.



The Vineyards


The total area under vine continued to decrease in 2021 to 179.3 thousand ha. The vineyards kept going through the process of restructuring and reconversion, assisted with EU funds from the national support programme allocated to Romania (i.e. 47.5 million Euro, annually, during the budgetary exercise 2019–2023).

By main wine regions, the area under vine looked in 2021 as bellow:


Romania area 2021



Wine Production


The wine production increased slightly to a level of 4,451.1 thousand hl in 2021, which by main regions looked as follows:


wine production 2021 



Wine Exports


In 2021, Romanian wine exports reached a level of 174.0 thousand hl, in value of 34.2 million Euro, up 10.7% in value terms compared to the previous year.


wine exports 2


By main destinations (top ten), Romanian wine exports presented in 2021 as follows:


wine exports 1


The top ten countries of destination held in 2021 a share of 83.8 % in value terms.



Wine Imports


In 2021, Romania’s wine imports reached a level of 562.2 thousand hl, in value of 92.9 million Euro, meaning a growth of 31.6% against 2020. During the period 2007-2021 the wine imports evolution of Romania looked as follows, in quantity and value terms:


romania imports


The top ten countries of origin held in 2021 a share of 89.3 % in value terms.



By main countries of origin, Romania’s wine imports in 2021 were the following:


Romania wine imports by main countries of origin 2021


Imports in 2021 were mainly originating from countries like Moldova Rep., Italy, France, Spain and Germany.

Romanian wine industry at a glance 2007-2021 



MADR – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

ONVPV – National Office of Vine and Wine Products

MAT – Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

INSSE – The National Statistical Institute


5 May 2021



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