Synonym – Carloganca
This grape variety goes back to pre-Roman Empire days, when the region between the Danube and the Carpathians was inhabited by the Dacians.
It is one of the few Dacian varieties that have survived over the centuries. Being an autosterile variety (flowers cannot bear fruit by their own pollen) it used to be cultivated along with Romanian variety Gordan which was a good pollinator.
To eliminate the phenomenon of sterility in Cramposie, a group of researchers from Dragasani led by Dr. Eng. Mircea Marculescu created Cramposie selectionata variety (1972) after years of research and studies, via direct sexed hybridization between Cramposie and Gordan.
The guideline for the approval of this variety was the production of non-vintage white wines. Over time, this variety has shown that the production pattern is otherwise different: sparkling wines, high-quality wines were obtained by maintaining high acidity and sugar accumulation.
Fruity and balanced wines were therefore obtained and their freshness leaves a pleasant coolness in the mouth.
Main ampelographic strengths: the flower is a regular hermaphrodite (5-6 type), fertile, rich in pollen.
Adult leaf is large (3-5 lobs), glabrous on the upper side and prickly on the inside - Long petiole (13-15 cm), light greenish.
The grape is conical or cylindrical-conical in shape, medium–large sized (over 250g), without beaded grains.
The grain is white, with a slight rusty color on the skin. It is medium sized and round, with a balanced taste, and contains 2-3 seeds.
Hub vigor is medium to large depending on soil fertility, plantation position within the plant, the technology applied and the rootstock used.
Full maturity of this variety takes place in September.
Yield is between 7000 kg / ha - 15000 kg / ha and is determined by climatic factors and production departments. The variety accumulates between 196-215 g / l of sugar and a total acidity of between 5.5 and 7 g / l H2SO4.
Smell and taste: apples, pears, citric, exotic fruit but also bold mineral notes.
Cramposie Selectionata wines can be used as an appetizer, during the meal and after, to keep good mood.
Source: Nedelut Dumitru, Oliver Bauer, Crama Stirbey

Other white grapes: Creata (Riesling de Banat), Galbena de Odobesti , Iordana (Iordovana), Grasa de Cotnari, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala, Mustoasa de Maderat, Plavaie, Tamaioasa Romaneasca, Sarba, Zghihara de Husi.